Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year's is upon us!

A little review is in order.

At the beginning of 2006, I could thrash through the water for 20 minutes or so, with lots of breaks and very poor form. I couldn't run more than a minute or two, and walking 5 miles just about killed me. I hadn't been on a bike in 5 years, and when I tried spinning, it hurt so much I quit after a few minutes. Oh, and I weighed about 222 pounds.

Now: I can swim smoothly for a few hundred yards at a time, and go for 30 minutes without too much trouble (very slowly though.) I can run (plod, slowly) for 30 minute straight (if it's flat ground!) and cover nearly 2.5 miles. (Did I mention the slow part?) and I can do a 50 minute spinning class or 30 minutes on the ellliptical trainer. I've lost about 23 pounds, a clothing size or two, one of my many chins, and generally feel better, sleep better, am more cheerful and optimistic.

My goals for 2007: Run the Sharon Classic in May (5 miles, hills) - run more than walk, finish not-last. Complete the Pawling Triathlon in June (just finish!). Lose another size (OK two would be nice but slow and steady...) Keep focusing on injury prevention. Find ways to make it social to maintain my interest. Perhaps take a Total Immersion class in New Paltz.

Also - dance more (occasional real dancing ie at Arts In Motion, plus a ballroom class w/ Fred...)

I have other goals too, but this blog is just about the triathlon preparation and physical fitness!

1 comment:

RUTH said...

Happy New Year. You have achieved so much in the past year....Well Done!