Tuesday, March 13, 2007


No I have not kept up with my six days, six workouts plan. I thought I might have time after I got home from NYC (having taken the 6am train down and arrived back at 4pm) but worked for three hours straight til the start of my evening meeting. Tomorrow I have to be at work at 9 sharp, and given that it's 11 and I"m still here (having just finished baking 4 batches of cookies for a bake sale Saturday), I don't think I'll be swimming in the morning. But I could run in the afternoon and then work past dark if I need to finish things before I leave on my trip Thursday. If the weather tomorrow is anything like today, it will be lovely but perhaps flooded anywhere I try to go! I've gained about 4 pounds, don't know how, but feel quite blue about it. My confidence that I'll be able to complete this triathlon is at low ebb right now! What made me think that I'm an athlete?

1 comment:

RUTH said...

It must be difficult to fit eveything in especially as you must be so tired with long days. Maybe some days you should just do a few indoor stretching excercises to keep your muscles toned.
Take care