Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Running with a coach

I did a total of 2 hours of driving for a 30 minute run - worth it? Not sure! She talked a bit about technique (she's a big proponent of the run-on-your-toes style) and other odds and ends, and we did some hill work and experimented with high-cadence sprints. She gave us lots of walking time to recover from the sprints = she said keeping your heart rate down and giving your selflots of recovery time actually helps develop speed and endurance more than just chugging along and it prevents injury. It felt strange to stop BEFORE I was completely winded, but I finished the half-hour feeling strong, even though I've done no hills since early fall.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

See you've run all the way over to my blog....LOL Thanks for the good wishes and hope you had a good weekend.