Ruth has awarded me a Thinking Blogger Award (my first meme!)- a real compliment, but one that comes with a responsibility to tag five other blogs that make me think!
There are so many, choosing just 5 will be a challenge.
Meanwhile I proudly display this (click on it to get to the origin of the award):

Meanwhile... I bought a book at Lbpteba's recommendaiton, called Marathons for Mortals. I'm not considering a marathon but have been toying with the idea of a half... the one thing I've gotten from it so far is how important days of rest are to prevent injury, especially at my advanced age! (They say 30 is when your body starts going downhill!) I had two very tough bike rides in a row - Monday night and Tuesday morning - so I was grateful to take today off. I need to swim, I need to decide If I'm doing the Lake Waramaug Tri next Friday (leaning towards no -the half-mile swim is just too daunting right now) and if not, what my next one will be! I really want to take advantage of the chance to do a personal triathlon camp with the coach I found -anyone have a bright idea for how to scare up $500?
While 'they' say your body goes downhill after 30, I can tell you that I am in THE.BEST. shape of my life at 42. Not that I'm in great shape, but I think no matter what is typical, we *can* overcome odds.
What a brilliant book title....
Make the most of your rest days...difficult when you're a Mum!
Do you do beading at all? You'd be amazed what some people will pay for a "chakra" type necklace. You can get the beads online. Here's an example here:
PS; RIGHT click on the link above and tell it to open it in a "new" window. By the way, I love what my coach does for me. Good luck!
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