Courtesy of
Lbtepa, one of the amazing human beings who, without ever having met me, have propelled me forward to leap tall buildings at a single bound and become a triathlete. This week I've done one swim, one bike, one run, so far. (Yesterday I collapsed with exhaustion and did nothing.) The swim was interesting, sort of: I was in the pool, but tried not to touch the wall, just swim back and forth without touching. I realized how much I've been depending on little breaks every 25 yards! So now my practice will be to focus on sustaining my stroke and breathing for longer periods. It looks like crummy weather - not sure I'll get out into the pond today, but I've also been mapping my routes
on this cool site and want to try some longer rides in preparation for the Harlem Valley Rail Ride and also work my up to a ten-k run, using the run-walk (4/1) strategy. So I do have goals!!
I love that cartoon! Keep up the good work Jenny
Go Jenny!
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