I immediately discovered this to be true - by resting even when I didn't really need to, I was able to focus on form during the run periods, keeping up my speed, and enjoying myself (imagine that!!) always knowing I'd be able to walk soon. I never descended into a shambling shuffle, I never got discouraged or overtired, even on steep hills, and interestingly, I covered the first five miles in my best time ever, 60 minutes, even with all the walk breaks. (A few times I let myself run as much as 5 minutes, when I was cruising downhill, but mostly stuck with 4.) The last mile was a steep uphill (see profile below) so I shortened the run part to 3 minutes, then 1, and stuck with 1/1 for a few rounds til I got to the top, then immediately went back to 4 for the last bit (mile 5.5 and beyond), feeling just fine.

I did discover some other interesting facts: Gilbert and Sullivan makes good running music. I had the practice tape for the alto part of Iolanthe (Labor Day Weekend! Don't miss it!) on my mp3 player, and the bouncy rhythms are just perfect! After that was over and I got back to the regular playlist, even slow songs like "Bird Alone" by Abbey Lincoln worked well because I could always find an internal rhythm to run to. But I was pleased that some of my favorite fast songs by Lyle Lovett and the Indigo Girls came on at the end when I really appreciated the boost. I want to do my first 10k race on September 4 (if I am still standing after 3 performances of Iolanthe!) and now I know I can do it - I just have to work on speed.
So - question to all with more experience at the interval thing. Should I stick with 4/1 at this distance for a while, focusing on increasing speed during the run portion, or try to stretch to 5/1, then 6/1, etc, with each subsequent outing?
Not that I'm any expert but I think you should stick to the 4/1 ratio; maybe try a few terrains; make sure you're really happy that you can manage any road/hill thrown at you and then move on to 5/1.
All the stuff I've read is stick with 4/1 for a week or two, then extend to 5/1, 6/1 etc. A really helpful book is marathoning for mortals (John Bingham) - or any of his books actually.
Glad you had a good workout :)
Just popped by to let you know I've nominated you for a Thinking Blogger Award.
I didn't start run/walk until i could already run 6miles straight. so I run a mile, walk a minute, run to the next mile, etc to go farther. I had my husband try this and he ran 6miles no problem after only being able to go about 4miles previously. My point - I can't tell you about 4/1 and how to go from there, but I can verify from my own experience that this run/walk thing is GOOD.
I used the "Galloway method" on my first (and only, so far) marathon back in january. I ran for 10 minutes, and then walked for 5. During the 5, I would do my nutrition stuff. Good luck!
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