What American accent do you have?
Created by Xavier on Memegen.net
Created by Xavier on Memegen.net

Northern. Whether you have the world famous Inland North accent of the Great Lakes area, or the radio-friendly sound of upstate NY and western New England, your accent is what used to set the standard for American English pronunciation (not much anymore now that the Inland North sounds like it does).
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Very interesting...I KNOW I have that Ohio "twang" as I like to call it (Cleveland area)-and my daughter is questioned about her pronunciation of "roof" (as in foot)-
This is particularly interesting for me being a speech pathologist and trying to teach kids how to listen for subtle differences in consonants and vowels.Thanks for the fun!
Well, I've got ye olde Western accent (which is a neutral accent, and therefore not much of one).
But this was much fun...
I live in NM, but I grew up in Toledo, OH and it pegged me pretty well with a Northern Accent. I've been told by folks that know their accents that they think I'm from Michigan ... how can people get it sooooo close??? Am I that predictable?!?!?
Hahahaha it said I'm DEFINITELY from Manhattan - and I'm Australian LOL
It seems my accent is from New York City...not bad for a Brit I guess.
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